I know, it’s been a dry week; No New Heads Up Phones Down Posts!!!!!!! They say vulnerability is a huge part of blogging (It’s true, I read it in the Wall Street Journal) and so to be honest, I’ve had writers block.
Amidst my hiatus, this past week taught me much about both myself and the world, and allowed me to get curious about my new environment.
To start it off, I learned that McGill had a Quidditch team. Never really having thought about Quidditch in a real life context before, I started going down a rabbit hole.
Do people playing Quidditch actually run around with a broom between their legs? I’m dying to know. Please tell me.
Also, what’s the demographics of the Quidditch team?? Is it only Harry Potter fans?? Do they have a varsity version? Are there really people still playing Quidditch at 20 years old?
Right now (It’s 2:30pm). Normally I’m not a big morning person, but when I woke up today at 9:15 I was ready to take on the day. What was different? I knew that I would be reunited with my MS51 sweatshirt.
Some of you may be asking yourselves how I could have possibly forgotten it in NY, and I really don’t know. But, no stress, because Celeste graciously offered to bring it all the way across the Canada-United States Border for me.
I could feel it in my bones that I was going to be productive.
I even finally got up the motivation to walk all the way to the dining hall (which I go to daily anyways - but it’s different, I swear) and drop off my room form to tell them that my light doesn’t work.
This ceiling light, I tell you. She’s a moody bitch. Sometimes she works, sometimes she doesn’t. When I turn her off, sometime she stays on. It’s a process. (Rough, I know, I’ve had to live off the light shining from my closet and desk for a week)
Unfortunately, they were closed. Not to worry, though, because with Lola and Celeste by my side, we set off to do errands.
FIRST STOP: the pharmacy. You might want to sit down for this one. I bought Emergen-C. I know. Who am I? My parents??
They didn’t have the orange flavor but #NeverthelessShePersisted, and I left the store with lemon lime in hand.
To be honest, that’s really all I wanted to share. I feel like a new woman almost, reborn.
I did also go to the grocery store and finally bought dishes (Gone are the days of eating off a magazine). Unfortunately, even with all this productivity, it doesn’t seem like today is going to be my day to shine in terms of laundry. Oh well, that’s a problem for Tuesday!!