If you know me, you know this is an issue close to my heart, and one I think about constantly. I thought I should share a few insights about the scootering life just off the top of my head.
It speeds up your commute by tenfold, even those of us who take the bus. I can’t even count the number of things I could do with that extra minute and a half I would save.
It would help you make a name for yourself, and as we say in the industry, no press is bad press.
It’s super sexy and sleek
It would make everyone think you’re a badass because you always have mysterious bruises along your ankles
You get to say “are we razoring there?” which is mysterious and unique and has an instant cool factor
If you got a whole posse to scooter with you you could bring back the boy band era or girl band era. People don’t do things in groups enough anymore
You would have to carry it around everywhere meaning you had a conversation starter 24/7
You would never need to be upset if there were no busses for a while, with a scooter you have an option other than walking
In Montréal it would be difficult to scooter during the winter so you would have another piece of room decor you could hang scarves or necklaces on, like a multipurpose and functional sculpture.
In awe of that sculpture, all of your houseguests would think you were imaginative and cool
When scooters catch on again you would get to tell people you were in the front lines of their revival.
I would finally have another piece of evidence to present people with after telling them how influential I am
You would have a weapon on you at all times to hit creeps with
You would have another accessory to complete your outfit
You could get away from any unpleasant interaction in a moments notice - all the pleasant parts of a bike without the clunkiness
You would get to hate on electric scooters for not being authentic
You could learn scooter tricks and then be even cooler
You wouldn’t have to worry about carrying a bike lock or the scooter getting stolen like a bike cause you could bring it inside with you.
Nobody would forget who you are ever again because even if they can’t remember your name they’ll think of you as the scooter kid
For my McGill readers - you might even get featured on the Reddit